Professional Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

Professional Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator
Professional Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

Professional Logo Design in Adobe Illustrator

What is logo design?

To many people, the term logo system will be something new to them.

To others, they'll have heard the term before but aren't quite sure what it means. So, what is a logo system and should you have one? When most people think about logos,we think of one logo,one that never changes,one that we see all the time in the same form. In other words, it's consistent across all of the brand's identity.And consistency issomething that we're told is very important when it comes to brand. It's a message that I give to my clients. Consistency, consistency, consistency. And there really is nothing wrong with using the same logo all the time. It builds familiarity, recognition, and awareness. But what if we're missing a trick by just having that one logo? What if we had a logo system? Let's take a look at some logo systems to give you a better idea and a better understanding of what I'm talking about here. The first one I want to look at is the logo system for MTV, Music Television. And this goes way back to the 90s. This is when I first became aware of logo systems, even though at that time,I didn't know what a logo system was,I could just see this thing appearing on my TV. It seemed like every time I tuned into MTV,their logo looked different but I could still instantly recognise it as the MTV logo. They had the big Mand then they had the little TV up in the corner. But what they'd done was they'd given artists and designers and animators free reign to take their logo and do what they wanted with it.But the recognition still had to be there. People still had to be able to say, that's the MTV logo. Some crazy stuff was done with that logo and most of the time, there was no specific meaning or purpose behind it, it was just something crazy to do, something crazy to animate, because Music Television was all about videos, you know, and catching attention. So, for MTV, this was perfect. But it is an early version of a logo system. Move on a few decades and logo systems are now more sophisticated, and meaning and purpose play a large part in them. Let's take a look at some logo systems that were designed to deliver messages directly through the logo itself, where things like vision, philosophy, cause, and even just marketing are visible but where, very importantly, that underlying logo shape is still there so that the audience recognises the brand instantly. If you use the internet, which I'd imagine most of you do, especially if you're reading this article, you'll recognise this next logo system. It's the Google Doodle. Similar in some ways to the MTV approach, where different artists get to play with the Google logo, there's a purpose behind the design. The change is there to promote things like a good cause, an invention, a famous person, or an anniversary among others. There's no supporting information, there's no tagline or text snippet, just the Google logo with a new look.

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