Cyber Security Course for Beginners

Cyber Security Course for Beginners

Cyber Security Course for Beginners

Cyber Security Course for Beginners

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security:

Cyber Security! Hey friends! today in this article i am giving you a basic introduction about Cyber Security.

So let's get started:

We all have an important part to play in protecting the University’s information and assets from being harmed by computer viruses, hackers, and other threats.

This induction will help get you oriented with some general security concepts, including what to do if you think you’ve been compromised. 

So, why is Cyber security so important? Cybercrime is a very profitable business. Attacks on IT systems are becoming more frequent than ever.

Particularly because hacking tools are more readily available. If you think about the kinds of information that you store or access digitally.

It probably won’t take much imagination to realise that someone could use it to cause harm to you and the University.

Data breaches are becoming more and more common and universities aren’t immune. Identity thieves, fraudsters, hacktivists and spammers are constantly on the look out for opportunities to exploit vulnerable targets.

So it’s important that we keep our data, systems and staff, safe and secure. But why should you care? 

Doesn’t the University have antivirus software and firewalls and other fancy high tech digital security tools?

Unfortunately, the problem is a bit more complicated than that, in part because of our trusting nature.

And the fact that sometimes we don’t give certain tasks our full attention. Often we end up being the weakest link in the cyber-security chain.


So friends in this article i was given a short introduction about Cyber Security. Hope you enjoy my basic introduction about Cyber Security !

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And i hope you learn more basics about Cyber Security in the course link given below !

So Hurry up enroll this course to learn more about Cyber Security!

Thank you!

Free of cost for 1 to 10 days

With Certificate

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