C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners

C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners

C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners

C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners

What is C++?


My first Article on C++ programming language. With this Article we are starting a brand new Article series on C++ programming language and this Article series is specially designed for the absolute beginners.

You don’t need any programming experience to get started but if you happen to have some programming knowledge then it will definitely help.

All right, now in this Article we will see you what exactly is C++ and when it was created why it was created? You know a bit information about the history of the C++.so first of all what exactly is C++?

Now all of you know that a computer is an electronic device that can perform many computational task. But since it is a machine, these computers they really cant do anything on their own.

So to get any job done using the computer we need to give instructions to this computer and according to our instructions, these computer will work. These instructions which are given to this computer are called as the “Program

And the person who is going to write these instructions or who is going to give this instructions is called as a “”Programmer Now the language in which these instructions are written or these programs are written is called as the “Programming Language”.

So here the programmer will use any of the programming language available and write the computer program or the instructions and according to this program the computer will work.

So here C++ is one of the programming language that can be used to write the computer programs. There are a lot of programming languages available. For example we have C, we have C Sharp, we have Java, we have PHP, we have Python.

You know a lot of programming languages are available and C++ is one of the programming language. All Right, Now the next thing is why this C++ was created and when it was created?

This C++ programming language was created by “Bjarne Stroustrup” and hi steam in 1979 at the bell Laboratories of New Jersey. Now when this language was created, they didnt directly called it as “C++”.

Instead they called it as “C with classes” During the 1970’s C programming language was one of the most used and the most popular programming language and even to this day C programming language is one of the most famous programming language.

But C programming language has its own limitations. Year by year the computational capacity of the computers increased and also the programming complexity increased.

Now the problem with C programming language was as the programming complexity increased and the programs tend to become larger, it was difficult to manage and write the code using the C language for those complex computational task.

So Bjarne Strostroup and his team they started working on the C programming language they added a lot of features, the main feature they added was the object oriented programming features and then they created this new language called as “C with classes” Now here this “ class “ it is actually a part of the object oriented programming.

This object oriented programming is an entirely different programming approach from the programming approach used in the C language.

And here the object oriented programming features which was added to this “C with classes” was mainly influenced by another object oriented programming language which was existing during that time called as the simula 67.

Now this new language “C with classes” you know it had the features from two great programming languages you know it had the features from the C programming language and also it had some features from the similar 67.

Now the new language which was created in which is the “C with classes” was a better choice for writing the programs where the programmers have to perform some Complex programming operations.

And after that in 1983 they renamed this “C with classes” with “C++Now hear the interesting thing is this ++ it is actually an operator from the C language and this ++ is an increment operator and here since this new language is an incrimination or the next step of the C language you know they named it as C++.

So this is it guys this is about some information about what exactly is C++ and about it’s history now if you like this Article then give a Thumbs up if you don’t like it then give a thumbs down and write your opinion in the comment box and if you think that this Article will help any of your friends.

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